Saturday, May 19, 2012

Something To Wrap Your Head Around

After reading Lolita I am conflicted on who and what to believe. It seems that the fact that I am reading a pedophile/murder’s point  of view escapes me from time to time and I catch myself actually feeling some sympathy towards humbert humbert . I am not sure if what Humbert Humbert says can be so reliable, granted the gruesome details he goes into and the fact that he is in jail would lead one to believe that he has no reason to lie. But how does one even know if he is not exaggerating or twisting the truth for he could possibly just be insane. Also the idea that Humbert Humbert is a VERY pretentious person makes me wonder what lengths he’s willing to go to demonstrate how intelligent he really is. I keep playing with the possibility that Humbert Humbert story is a huge lie just to prove that he can make the reader believe he actually did the things he said he did. Since he conned have the characters in  the story what stops him from conning us.

1 comment:

  1. In a way I agree, with the idea that Humbert Humbert is simply over exaggerating. The man goes on with all these different situations, and although many of them could be true, and I believe them to be true, I just think that maybe Humbert Humbert is going a little farther than the truth. When retelling a story sometimes a person cannot totally remenber what happened which can cause someone to exaggerate on an actually event. Humbert Humbert is retelling his story and trying to remember everything that happened to him, and he probably is telling the truth, he just happens to be stretching the truth a bit.
