Sunday, March 18, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl?

The father daughter relationship has always been unique. Although the other relationships between a parent and child are equally as important, it is the father daughter one that is most special. It must have something to do with a father having a need to protect his family. In a fathers eyes he must see his son growing from a boy to a man and being able to protect himself, while when a father sees his daughters all they see is a baby girl in need protection. Fathers always seem to want to protect their daughters. In both King Lear and Oedipus Rex a father- daughter relationship is shown. I found it interesting that in both a Shakespeare play and Greek play the daughters were talked about and not the sons, being that males dominated that time period.  In both plays the fathers appear to truly love their daughter, even though Lear asked for that love in a demanding way. Then there is Oedipus who loved his daughters and worried for them than he did his own sons. I personally found it to be interesting that daughters proved to show a big role in the plays, at more than we are use to seeing. Then it makes me wonder if they used fathers and daughters because the relationship between them is more interesting and emotional than it is between a father and son. I thought the breaking point of Oedipus Rex was when his daughters came out and he had to say good-bye to them. If he had to say good-bye to his sons I do not know if I would feel as sorry for Oedipus. I personally thought that there had to be a reason why daughters proved to be a fairly major role in both plays. 

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