Sunday, March 18, 2012

Oedpius Rex: A Horrific Tragedy

There is no doubt that the main characters of King Lear and Oedipus Rex experience very tragic lives. However, one can debate which classic tragedy is more tragic.

In King Lear, Lear’s life is tragic because he is an old man that goes insane after harsh treatment from his daughters and lives to see the day that all of them die before him. He irresponsibly banishes his only daughter that truly loves him. His older daughters are conniving, rude, and selfish. Despite Lear’s rash behavior towards his youngest, Cordelia, it is certain that he loves her. Unfortunately, his immaturity and stubbornness prevent him from thinking wisely and more understanding. Lear’s spiraling downfall into betrayal by his daughters and insanity make his life so tragic. I feel the saddest part of the play is when Lear mourns for the suicidal death of Cordelia: “And my poor fool is hanged…No, no, no life? Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life, and thou no breath at all?” Cordelia was most dear to him, and Lear felt guilty for disowning her. It was also tragic that Goneril was the cause of Regan’s death. They wanted each other to die just for a man that did not love either of them. Sisters that turn on each other is very tragic.

Although King Lear was tragic, I find that the unchangeable fate of Oedipus is much more heartbreaking. King Lear helped spur his misfortunes because it all started with the banishment of his daughter. Oedipus’s misfortune, however, was the cause of fate. He had no control even though he and his family thought they did. Oedipus’s mother tried to prevent Oedipus’s fate of killing his father and sleeping with his mother by getting rid of him. Oedipus is later adopted by a new family, but he travels across roads and unknowingly encounters and kills his biological father. He meets his mother Jocasta afterwards, who is now a widow after Laius’ death, and marries her. Oedipus’s unnatural and horrifying incestual act with his mother is beyond tragic. When he realizes he is the source of “pollution” in his city, he gauges his eyes out. Oedipus says, “For now I find myself evil and born from evil people.” Jocasta feels utterly disturbed and wrong for sleeping and having children with her son. Consequently, she hangs herself. What is most tragic about Oedipus Rex is that Oedipus’s family had a fateful curse, and though they tried, they could not prevent their horrific acts. Also, Oedipus’s innocent children with Jocasta are bound to live a sad, lonely life as outcasts because they were born from an incestual relationship.

Since Oedipus’s tragedy was a result of fate, and he was a rather good person, I find his story to be more tragic as opposed to King Lear’s. I believe a story is more tragic when the people are innocent rather than a story that’s tragic as a result of selfish and irresponsible behavior.

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