Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Tragedy of Fate

            In both King Lear and Oedipus Rex the main characters go through different types of hardship. In King Lear, the character King Lear is believed to be unloved by both his people and his daughters, ultimately making him crazy. While in Oedipus Rex, Oedipus in destined to have a horrible life, one in which involves him killing his father and sleeping with his mother. Both plays appear to have characteristic that make them well known tragedy. Although both are tragic stories it is Oedipus Rex that makes one feel to sorrow for the character because they had no control of their futures.
            The characters of King Lear go through many hardships. A daughter is banished, a man is killed, and the king goes crazy, but it is the actions of the characters the create theses events. The whole play starts with King Lear demanding that his daughters confess their love for him and one daughter refuses. To solve the issue, King Lear banishes his daughter. The other characters of the play become upset over the king’s actions and soon almost everyone goes against King Lear. The king is left with no one at his side and eventually goes crazy. Soon the king dies before even getting the chance to apologize to his daughter. The audience would be able to sympathies with the king if he had not had so many chances to fix his mistakes. It is the actions of the king that destroys the other characters. It is hard to think of King Lear as a tragedy when one cannot even feel sorry for the main character.
            While in Oedipus Rex, the characters have no say in their future because their fate is already planned out by the gods. Since birth Oedipus’s fate was decided, and he was destined to kill his father and then sleep with his mother. To solve that issue Oedipus was given up for adoption. But Oedipus could not escape fate. While out in town Oedipus killed a man who ended up being his father and then married a woman who ended up being his mother. It is not until towards the end of the play is the truth revealed. One cannot help feel sorry for the character Oedipus because there was nothing that he could do to fix his situation. “Oh children, if you could understand, I would give you so much advice; as it is, just pray with me that you obtain a better life than did the father who sired you.” Oedipus appeared to love his life, eh was married and had several children whom he truly cared for, and it was all ripped out from under him. Oedipus Rex is the true tragedy because the character is one in which had the most difficult life. 

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