Sunday, March 18, 2012

Oedipus Rex: The Greatest Tragedy of All

     There is no debate of which is the greatest tragedy between Oedipus Rex and King Lear well, at least in my opinion. The tragedy of Oedipus is the most horrific story I have ever read. Not only does the gruesome and twisted story line make it the greater tragedy, but I felt more interested in this story than I was while reading King Lear. I made more of a connection to Oedipus than King Lear because while I was reading the Tragedy of Oedipus Rex, I actually felt bad for him, which never happens when I read stories.

     King Lear is the Tragedy of an old man who lost his sanity from the realization that he was never truly loved by his daughters. Yes, it is a tragic story but I feel that the outcome of this play was due to miscommunication and bad timing. Lear is an irrational thinker; he makes rash decisions such as banishing Cordelia, the only daughter that actually respected him. “Here I disclaim all my paternal care, propinquity, and property of blood, and as a stranger to my heart and me hold thee from this forever” (Shakespeare 114-117). He banished her simply because she could not put her Love for him into words. Lear took this as an insult and without thinking, he just disowned her. As the plot progresses, Lear realizes what he has done was wrong but he was too proud to take back his actions. I believe that pride was Lear’s downfall and because of that I think he deserved everything that happened to him. If he just swallowed his pride he would have been able to repair the deteriorating relationship he had with his daughters.

     Oedipus Rex gives the meaning to the word “tragedy.” Oedipus’ entire life was a lie. I say this because ever since he was born, he was brought up on lies and people hiding the truth from him. He was destined for tragedy and he was the only one that did not know about it. My main reason for Oedipus Rex being more tragic than King Lear is because Oedipus could not change his fate, but King Lear could have. When Oedipus realizes he has fulfilled his destiny by killing his father, sleeping with his mother and having children from this unnatural relationship, he gauges out his eyes. “Alas, alas. It’s all come out so clearly. Light, let me see the last of you now, surrounded by those I ought to avoid-born from them, living with them, killing them” (Sophocles 1205-1208). Right when the Shepard tells Oedipus the truth, it is so disturbing that he must gauge out his eyes for he cannot endure seeing any more horror in his life.

     I cannot feel anything but sympathy towards Oedipus, he was an innocent man that was condemned by his fate; that’s why I think that Oedipus Rex is not only a greater tragedy than King Lear, but the greatest tragedy of all.

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